According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 890 licensed hairdressers and 470 manicurists were actively employed in Rhode Island during 2013.
Cosmetologist Salaries Compared to National Averages
The BLS reports that the salaries of hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists in the state of Rhode Island are very competitive with national averages.
Rhode Island
Number Employed
Mean Annual Salary
10th Percentile Salary
25th Percentile Salary
50th Percentile Salary
90th Percentile Salary
Mean Hourly Wage
10th Percentile Hourly Wage
25th Percentile Hourly Wage
50th Percentile Hourly Wage
90th Percentile Hourly Wage
The salaries of manicurists and pedicurists in Rhode Island are slightly above the national averages:
Rhode Island
Number Employed
Mean Annual Salary
10th Percentile Salary
25th Percentile Salary
50th Percentile Salary
90th Percentile Salary
Mean Hourly Wage
10th Percentile Hourly Wage
25th Percentile Hourly Wage
50th Percentile Hourly Wage
90th Percentile Hourly Wage
The Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training lists the following hourly wage information for cosmetologists working as hairdressers/hairstylists and Manicurists/Pedicurists:
Number Employed
Mean Hourly Wage
$ 9.07
Median Wage
Experienced Wage
The following BLS table describes nail technician salary data for Rhode Island:
Area name
Annual mean wage
Norwich-New London CT-RI
Providence-Fall River-Warwick RI-MA